Mind Visualization Tips That Boost Your Success

There are many self help products and tools available today that are designed to help you become more successful, happier and wealthier. One of the most powerful methods that we can utilize is mind visualization. It is also the most misunderstood and under-used techniques available. Once you learn how to visualize properly, it will transform your life in every way imaginable.

I’ve been pursuing personal development for 25 years, trying all sorts of different methods to improve my life. Some things have worked very well, and other things haven’t worked at all… but that could be because they just didn’t fit in with me. The one thing that has allowed me to chase my goals and achieve them is mind visualization.

I haven’t consistently used visualization over the years because I’ve been playing around with other techniques, but every time that I return to visualization I end up having another breakthrough in my progress.

Decide What You Want

The first step in doing effective mind visualization is to decide what you want. Get really clear about how you want your life to pan out and write it all down. Once you have a clear target to aim for, it’s much easier to go out and reach your goals.

Use A Vision Board

Next step is to get pictures and images of what you want and paste them onto a poster board or similar to put up on the wall. Your sub-conscious mind needs to be absolutely saturated with these images to get the wheel in motion for achieving the success you deserve. The beauty of having such a “vision board” is it’s much easier to visualize what you want rather than trying to imagine and construct the images in your head.

Make A Video

Even better is to make up a video that you can play every day. The video should contain images or motion picture set to inspiring music to really get you pumped up and ready for action. If you aren’t really technically minded, you can always get some software from Mind Movies that allows you to easily produce these movies, even if you’ve had no prior experience.

Take Action Every Day

Now, the most important step is to take action every single day and look at your vision board or video for at least 10 minutes a day. You can either do the 10 minutes in one hit or maybe twice a day for 5 minutes each. Whatever fits into your schedule. Do this every day for as long as it takes to reach your goals.

Your goals won’t just fall out of the sky and into your lap… you will need to take certain steps (as in take ACTION). Take action as ideas come to you, even if you think you’ll probably fail. The feedback you will receive is extremely valuable and will allow you to correct course on your way to success. That’s how the most successful and richest people on the planet achieve their goals.
So, there you have it. Mind visualization is a very powerful tool if you are very persistent and are willing to do it every day to get the results you want. The short term pain is definitely worth it to achieve long term gain.